General tips:
⁃ not a lot of questions (3-4 maximum I would say)
⁃ Not ONLY questions about salary and social package
⁃ Most probably your motivation (what motivates you) would be assessed by the questions you asked
⁃ Would be good to ask what really you are interested in / worried about (but remember about previous comments). You also need more information about company / position / people to make your choice
⁃ Questions about company, team, challenges of the position, prospects for self-development - it work well
I read (you told) that your company now is entering a new market. Is it a new experience? Have you done it before? (If it’s not NDA where does the investment for development come from? (mostly for startups)
Why the position is open (new one? replacement? Person grew-up or failed? What was wrong)
What do you personally like about the company? And what are the challenges? (A little confronting question but I like when people ask me as a Recruiter. I’m always sincere)
How would you (manager) assess result of my work at the end of probation period. What should be done?
What are the most appreciated qualities in your team? What kind of people are successful in your team?
Who would I collaborate most closely at this position?
how my success will be measured? OR how will you understand that the person on this position succeeded
how and who set up the goals for the team and individual contributors? (will help you to understand top-down or bottom-up culture)
what are the current challenges/opportunities that your team/product are facing at the moment or will potentially encounter in the future?
tell me about the last project you team worked on? (you’ll get a glimps on the actual work you’ll get to do on the day to day basis, and who sets up tasks for the team/or who will be your stakeholders)
What do you expect me to demonstrate/do in the first three months at the job? (This can help to understand what are the primary goals for the candidate, plus to perform best at potential probation period)